This section explains how to construct the global ImmobilienScout24 header. You will find a complete example of a
real-life header, followed by a detailed look at the points that you can tweak to your needs.
This is an example header based on the actual live header for the Hausbau category
as at 2013-12-06.
World Navigation
The world navigation can be highlighted to show in which world the user is at the moment. Change the
highlighting by moving around the active class.
Sub Navigation
You can designate a sub navigation item as active by attaching the class active.
“New” Icon
You can place the NEU icon on list items to designate new or relaunched categories.
To do it, give the targeted list item the class header-category-new.
Note that the placement of the NEU icon is a company-wide decision and needs to be coordinated.
The full header is partly responsive in that it will fit any display size in the “lap” and “desk”
states. However, there is no definition of the full header for smaller devices. As a result, this header will be hidden on
palm-sized devices.
Use a light-weight fallback header for small devices. You can switch between the two using the
state-specific hiding classes.
Scout24 Verticals
The standard page layout has links to all of the Scout24 Group's Verticals at the top of the page.
While visually the top-most element on the page, they are meant to be down low in the source code for
SEO-related reasons.
To make this work, the link bar needs to be placed at the end of your page wrapper. It will then be positioned
absolutely to make sure it is displayed at the top for lap-sized and desk-top devices.
The page wrapper, in turn, needs to get the class has-scout24-verticals to make space at the top
for the link bar.