Default links are always displayed in blue, regardless of whether the user has already visited the linked resource.
Links generally have no underline, except if used within a paragraph element.
Links are underlined by default when used within paragraph elements. If you need to underline a link outside of a paragraph,
you can do so with the font-underline class.
Note that as per the CI design, links should only be underlined within flowing text.
Make sure not to underline stand-alone links unless it solves a specific usability issue.
Links With Visited State
To make an individual link show a visited state, apply the link-visited class to it.
You can also give a visited state to multiple links by applying the class to a common ancestor element.
Note: When using the nested version, it is always a good idea to apply the link-visited class as
precisely as possible to avoid unintended side effects with non-standard links.
Buttons (anything with button in the class name) and disabled links (disabled) are
specifically excluded from this behavior. Any other special links may end up looking buggy.