The grid component can be enhanced with a few additional features that are based on the CSS3 Flexbox Model and make for some very handy layouting magic.
Adopting the flex grid comes with easy vertical alignment, markup-independent ordering, and fixed-width columns in fluid grids, to name a few.
Note that none of the features described here will work in browsers older than, and including, Internet Explorer 9.
Such browsers will fall back on the considerably less fancy default grid styles.
To turn a regular grid into a flexbox grid, apply the grid-flex modifier class.
Note that in the flex grid, grid items no longer have an implicit width of 100%. If you want your elements to be 100% wide, please apply the respective width class explicitly.
Immediate Benefits
Turning your grid into a flex grid has a couple of immediate benefits.
Line Wraps
The regular grid may cause wrapping bugs when its grid items have different heights. This is especially hard to find a workaround for in grids where items are inserted dynamically.
Flex grids wrap properly, regardless of the height of the individual grid items.
No Redundant Gutters
In a regular grid, if you define a gutter, then the gutter belonging to the last grid row will spill out of the container, forcing any following content down.
In the flex grid, gutters appear only between grid items, so you have full control over the spacing around the outward grid container.
With flex grids, you can specify declaratively how elements should be aligned with each other, leaving all related styling and calculations to the browser.
Vertical Alignment
You can configure vertical alignment either on the container, where it applies to all grid items, or on individual grid items.
To align items, apply one of the grid-align-<alignment> classes, where “<alignment>” is one of start, end, center, baseline, or stretch (default).
Vertical alignment applies to both single- and multi-row grids.
Horizontal Alignment
You can also choose how grid content should be justified (that is, horizontally aligned) when there is left-over whitespace in a row.
To justify grid items, apply one of the grid-justify-<alignment> classes to the grid container, where “<alignment>” is one of start (default), center, end, space-between, or space-around.
In flex grids, you can decide on the order in which individual grid items should be rendered.
This reordering takes place entirely in CSS, which allows you to structure your HTML in whichever way makes the most sense, and then adjust the layout as needed.
The ordering classes are defined as <state->order-<index>-<direction>, where “<index>” is an index from one to five, and “<direction>” is either up or down.
By default, all grid items start with the default index of zero. An item is moved further up or down the higher the index gets.
Between elements with the same index, markup order is preserved.
The rendering order can also be defined for individual device states using the usual prefixes.
Filled-up Grid Rows
By default, if a grid row is not completely filled up, it will leave over whitespace.
Applying the grid-fill-rows modifier to a flex grid container will make its grid items split up any left-over whitespace between themselves.
Grid Items with Fixed Widths
While regular grids are restricted to fractional widths, flex grids allow you to apply fixed absolute widths to individual columns without breaking the fluidity of the grid as a whole.
In a grid with filled-up grid rows, apply the grid-item-fixed-width modifier class to a grid item that should remain at a fixed width, regardless of the space available.
You can either force a specific width directly on the grid item, or leave the width definition away entirely, in which case the grid item will end up exactly as wide as its content requires.