The tooltips and popovers are jQuery plugins. If you intend to use them, please make sure
that the jQuery library is present.
Tooltips are simple black boxes that appear to the side of an element when it is hovered.
Tooltip on the left
Tooltip on the right
Tooltip on the top
Tooltip on the bottom
Attach a tooltip to an element with the data-toggle="tooltip" attribute.
Choose the tooltip position with the data-placement attribute, which can be set to either
top, right, bottom, or left.
There is a standard icon that you can use for tooltips. Insert it with the tooltip-icon class.
To initialize a tooltip, call the tooltip method on the respective jQuery elements.
Popovers are boxes that will open to a side of an element when the user clicks on or touches the element.
They will stay open until the next user interaction outside of the popover.
A popover may optionally have a headline.
Attach a popover to an element with the data-toggle="popover" attribute.
Choose the popover position with the data-placement attribute, which can be set to either
top, right, bottom, or left.
Initialize popovers with the popoverTrigger method on the jQuery object. This method will take any jQuery selector as parameter.
It is not strictly necessary for any popover triggers to be present in the DOM at the time that the function is called. A listener on the body element
will look for any click events on the given selectors and open/close the respective popovers.