There are a number of standardized buttons at your disposal when using the Core styles. Depending on the context and desired purpose,
you may use one of the following implementations.
There are three predefined button types that you can choose from. The two more flashy ones (button-primary
and button-secondary) are generally for “calls to action” to guide the user, while the standard white button
(button) can be used for regular interactive elements.
Please note that there should generally only ever be one primary button on a page to highlight the most important call to action.
In HTML5, submit buttons, like other form inputs, can also be semantically disabled through the disabled attribute,
making them unclickable and showing their inactive states.
Buttons can be decorated with icons using the FontAwesome type face
integrated in the Core style set. This allows you to build buttons with a wide range of contextual icons on demand without the need to
have a specific button designed and implemented.
Buttons with icons
<ahref="#"class="button"><spanclass="fa fa-angle-left"></span>
Go back
Please note that icons are only available on buttons that are based on <a> or <button> elements. <input> buttons (as in form submits) cannot have icons due to technological limitations of the
<input> element.
Button Widths
By default, buttons will be just as wide as they need to be for the text to fit. However, if they directly follow blocky elements,
it may be desirable to have them aligned on both sides with the preceding element.
In such cases, you can use the width classes as you would on any other element. The button will then be inflated
to the specified size, while the text will stay centered.